A modern, comfortable, coworking place hybridized with a teahouse/bar. We think coworking can be relaxed and personal, rather than a “big business”. It’s more of a small team working with passion, than an “open office” kind of thing.
We offer workstations, great coffee and tea to drink with your work (specialty stuff, not the cheap kind), and organized events (ours, and perhaps… yours?).
💡 Jak to začalo?
Už nám zkrátka hrabalo z homeoffice a věříme, že nejsme jediný. Dělat na sebe je super, ale časem jsme zjistili, že to není úplně ono. Když chodíte každý den do kanclu, do baru, do školy nebo kamkoliv na svých 8-16, tak to není žádnej med, obzvlášť, když jsou ty směny ještě divočejší, ale pokud máte aspoň pár fajn kolegů, máte pocit, že někam patříte. A to je něco, co je pro ty z nás, který makaj na sebe, trochu složitější.
My jsme to řešili vysedáváním po kavárnách a hlavně čajovnách, protože nic u práce nenakopne tak, jako šálek dobrýho pu-erhu, což, věřím, brzo zjistíte sami! Jednoho dne jsme si řekli, že by bylo skvělý vytvořit místo, který bude přímo pro lidi jako my. Lidi, kteří chtějí mít kam sednout a pracovat a zároveň jsou tak trochu nerdi a geekové, baví je zakládat nové projekty a chtějí zkrátka být součástí živé komunity. A tak se zrodil nápad na Communitea - co-working, čajovnu, kavárnu, event space, showroom a další v jednom. Jo, a najdeš nás v Brně na Křenové 422/1a!
A jak líp rozjet komunitu, než prostřednictvím co-workingu? Pokud jsi dočetl až sem, možná si říkáš, že ti něco takovýho taky v životě chybí. Tak se pojďme na celej ten projekt mrknout trochu podrobněji.
💩 Just a bunch of idiots, kinda.
Yeah, that's us, three geeks who constantly hang out in the tea house with a computer and talk nonsense. We're freelancers and we've experienced quite a lot. We want freedom, but we also need to be among people. And because we didn't want to choose, we decided to combine it all and create a place where similar freaks can work together. Well, each on their own, of course.
Oh, and also organize events and sell goods from our buddies and local producers (being a bit crazy is a requirement for them too). Right now, it's just an e-shop, but we're working on the rest (check it out here).
And now some blabber about us.
The one behind all this. A hardcore introvert who needs to be among people. A programmer with a PhD in Czech language, who used to co-own a tea house in his spare time. He codes for money and writes poems for free. He knows a little about everything, but nothing well. He also tinkered with this website, its logo, and nagged everyone to send him photos. Geeky as fuck.
A likable lunatic with a sharp tongue. Richard's first buddy in Brno, who taught him to drink tea. He's been a waiter, a programmer, or a salesman, and he also traded stocks for a while. Loyal through thick and thin and also a generator of crazy ideas. Unlike the others, he has the morale to live healthy. More or less. Also geeky as fuck.
Tin is the reasonable one among us, with over ten years of experience in tech. He ensures that this doesn't turn into a complete clown fiesta. His obsession with tea emerged after he moved from Croatia to Brno. And thanks to it, he met Petr and Richard at Cesta čaje. He loves young sheng pu-erhs, board games, can program in almost anything that has documentation, and has read stacks of fantasy books. So yes, he's also a geek.